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E-Design is an interior design service that is delivered completely online. It is a simple, cost effective way to hire an interior designer without retaining the commitments of full-service interior design.


E-Design is perfect for individuals that desire design assistance, out of town, and/or prefer a contactless transformation due to COVID-19. It is required that you are comfortable with measuring your room (s), ordering all online items, hanging, and assembling furniture.


This general service delivers you a mood board based on the information provided in the questionnaire. We highly recommend you adding the floor plan and shopping list to fully take advantage of the E-Design service.


Want an example of what you will get with this service? Click here for a step-by-step guide on the process.

ELEMENTS Interiors E-Design (PER ROOM)


    Usiza Ukushintsha Umhlaba!

    Siyajabula ukusho ukuthi sisekela i- The Senticing Project, isikhungo sokucwaninga nokumela esizinze eWashington, DC esisebenzela ukuklanywa kwemingcele noma ukunciphisa ukusetshenziswa kokuboshwa e-United States kanye nokubhekana nokwehluka ngokobuhlanga ohlelweni lobulungiswa bobugebengu.

    Siyabonga ngokuthenga nathi! Usiza ukwenza umhlaba ube indawo engcono ngokuthenga kwakho, ngoba sinikela ngo-5% wemali yethu yonke isiyonke ku- The Sentencing Project . Izingqinamba yilezi:

    • Inqubomgomo Yokugwetshwa

    • Ukuboshwa

    • Inqubomgomo Yezidakamizwa

    • Ukwehluka ngokobuhlanga

    • Ubulungiswa Bentsha

    • Abesifazane

    • Amalungelo Wokuvota

    • Imiphumela Yesibambiso

    • Umkhankaso Wokuqeda Ukuboshwa Kwempilo

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